Future Skills and New Tools – Online Meeting

The power of gamification to tackle complex topics in education

In this free online gathering you will learn about easily accessible methods and tools to talk about very complex topics like the Sustainable Development Goals. In a digital conference environment, you can explore the material and share your experiences and ideas with experts in formal and non-formal education.


Gather Town Conference System – Participation Link and Access Data will be provided after registration prior to the conference.


Monday, June 17th, 16:00-18:30


16:00-16:30 Welcome & Introduction to the digital conference hall (Cyril Dworsky, Kinderbüro Universität Wien)
16:30-17:00 The relevance of Youth Engagement for Sustainable Development (Gabriele Slezak, OEFSE)
17:00-18:00 Virtual visits in the exploration areas
  Area 1: Up to You! Decision-making and breaking down complexity in social simulation games (Alexandra Solinska-Nowak, Centre for Systems Solutions)
  Area 2: Serious Game Changers! Gamification as tool for self-determined, digital education (Mirjam Duvivie, Serious Game Changers Universität Wien)
  Area 3: Tools for You! Resources to augment your educational offers with a focus on Sustainable Development Goals (Zsuzsi Vastag, Rogers Foundation for Person-Centered Education)
  Area 4: The Doctor’s Consultation. Recommendations for games in formal and non-formal education settings (Petra Francesca Weixelbraun, Serious Game Changers Universität Wien)
18:00-18:30 Reunion to gather individual experience
18:30 Free and open-ended digital networking lounge