The European Children’s Universities Network as a membership association has the advantage of drawing upon the experiences and contacts gained from pioneering projects and long collaboration between actors in the field of science engagement and communication. We aim to preserve the amicable spirit created within this community of practice and to carry the idea of Children’s Universities further. This will foster a general acknowledgement of Children’s Universities as trailblazers of first contact programmes for science, arts and humanities.

Our mission is also to give support to individual organizers and newcomers in the field of Children’s Universities.

The importance of networking with like-minded people and organisations is highly relevant for the development of good practice. Membership in will bring you directly into contact with people, projects and opportunities.

Become a member of

Join the European Children’s Universities Network and become part of a community of individuals and institutions with a passion to work with children in the context of higher education and social inclusion. Your membership supports the development of projects all over the world and allows you to build with fellow members the kind of supportive services and outreach that would be impossible to accomplish alone.

Type of membership
Description of membership
Membership fees
Individual Member Individual members without organisational affiliation 75 €
Small Institution Organisations with a budget for CU-programmes under 100.000 € 145 €
Medium Institution Organisations with a budget for CU-programmes over 100.000 € 290 €
Big Institution Organisations with a budget for CU-programmes over 500.000 € 500 €
Sponsoring Institution Sponsoring members (specially announced on the website: companies, foundations, public authorities, etc…; no voting rights) more than 1.000 €

Please note: depending on actual availability of unreserved funds, you may register your membership as a single project or on individual basis, irrespective of the actual size of your organization/project – and upgrade at any later date.
Dues run from January through December. Please note that reduced rates for grant worthy individuals or organizations from low income countries are applicable. For more information contact the General Secretary.

Membership application procedure

If you want to join the European Children’s Universities Network please fill in the online application form. If you have any questions please contact the office at :

Why become a member?

Promote your cause

Being a member you will find various ways and possibilities to promote your projects to a broader public of people interested in science communication and engagement programmes. We encourage our members to contribute to our website and repository of case studies and to collaborate within our blog or any other communication channel.

Be part of projects

As European Children’s Universities Network we often receive requests to participate in EU-funded projects. The strenght of the network is directly connected with such invitations. The more members we have the more impact is possible. And the more attractive we are as a project partner. Either way members have the possibility to become project partners as institutions and furthermore benefit from various contacts withing the network, also in regard of their own project application activities.

Show your internationality

As a member you are entitled to use the logo for your activities and programmes as long as they stick to the principles of the charter (e.g. non for profit or non discriminating). With the use of the logo you clearly demonstrate to your partners, participants or funding bodies your openness to development and innovation as much as to quality assurance and self assessment.

Support others

In you will become part of a growing lobbying organisation for Children’s Universities. Our projects are located at the point of intersection between children – science – higher education institutions and their third mission regarding social inclusion and access to higher education. In many organisations the idea of Children’s Universities seem rather alien at the beginning. With your help and your experience we will manage to open up the doors for children and empower both institutions and young people.

Act global

We believe in the importance and the principles of the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and also in the ambitious plans of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). One is the precondition of the other. We have to strengthen the role and position of children and young people to have their say and to be part of decisions to realize the SDGs. And we have to implement the SDGs to give a future to children and young people on our planet.

We are nice. Be nice too!

The European Children’s Universities Network is a group of dedicated people working for a better society to support children and young people. We strongly believe in the uniqueness and creativity of children and the potential of not being too spoiled by modern society in the beginning ;).