We are ready for the IDCU!

3. April 2024

We are delighted to announce the launch of the International Day of Children’s Universities (IDCU), a momentous occasion dedicated to celebrating the joy of learning and promoting inclusivity among young people worldwide. At eucu.net we believe strongly in the transformative power of education and are honoured to lead this initiative alongside our esteemed members from around the world.

The International Day of Children’s University aims to recognise the vital role that Children’s Universities play in fostering curiosity, creativity and critical thinking in our youngest learners. Through a variety of educational programmes and interactive experiences, Children’s Universities empower children to explore the world around them, broaden their horizons and cultivate a lifelong love of learning.

In the spirit of inclusivity, we are proud to highlight the collaborative process behind the creation of the IDCU logo. The result is a vibrant and emblematic logo that captures the essence of International Day of Children’s Universities:

The IDCU logo consists of several elements that together represent the identity of the Children’s Universities. It features several floating “bubbles” in different colours.
The IDCU logo visually embodies the core values and aims of Children’s Universities.
The bubbles in the logo metaphorically represent the playful curiosity and exploration that children experience when participating in Children’s Universities. The different colours of the bubbles symbolise the diversity of topics and disciplines covered in Children’s Universities.
The transparency of the bubbles symbolises the openness, accessibility and sharing of knowledge that are central to Children’s Universities.
It also conveys the message that knowledge is accessible to all and that Children’s Universities are an inclusive and welcoming space for curious children from all backgrounds.
Overall, the logo represents the IDCU brand as a vibrant, dynamic and engaged community committed to promoting education and knowledge sharing for children.

Join us in celebrating the inaugural International Day of Children’s Universities on 11th April 2024, and together, let us pave the way for a brighter and more inclusive future for all children.

For more information and updates, please search for #IDCU on social media, visit our Facebook page, or get basic information at our website here.