We proudly present our new promotional material: we invited our members parallel to our last eucu.net workshop to talk about their approach to Children’s Universities, the network and also their favorite moments during a Children’s Universities event. Check out all of our videos in our promo section and more in our testimonials section.
20. May 2019
This is the website of the European Children’s Universities Network. If you have any question regarding Children’s Universities in general or specifically in your city, village or country please contact us and we will try to connect you to the closest member organization or give other support. We have multiple means of communication and we will try to get back to you as soon as possible.
European Children’s Universities Network
c/o Vienna University Children’s Office
Lammgasse 8/8 1080 Vienna / Austria
T: +43/1/4277-2-4277
F: +43/1/4277-9242