EUCU.NET stands with the Ukrainian people in their struggle for freedom and democracy.
We pay respect to all those people in the Russian Federation who oppose the criminal policies of their government.
War breaks up families, threatens lives, but also interrupts educational careers and deprives of visions and dreams of the future.
We will do what we can to support the victims of the war, especially children and young people.
We will also take seriously the perceptions and fears of all children in the world, who are affected as citizens.
We see it as our task to educate and inform, to support wherever possible and to remain in dialogue – with solidarity and peace.
EUCU.NET is convinced that the real values of research, democracy, education and critical thinking, shall and can never be undermined by unjustified warfare and political agitation against international law. EUCU.NET stands with all who have committed themselves to these undisputable universal rules!